We are home!

Hello friends and family

I wanted to send a quick update to let you know that we arrived home late last night after over 33 hours of traveling! I am a bit jet-lagged and have a lot of unpacking to do, but my heart is so full. I cannot wait to share about so many of the amazing things the Lord did that we witnessed and experienced. As I am able, I will continue to share those stories here so that you will get the email updates, as well as sharing the link on my facebook page. For those of you local to Orlando, we will have a night of sharing for our whole team at Northland on Thursday July 27th from 6pm to 8pm so be sure to mark your calendar for that!
Currently this week in children's ministry at Northland we are finalizing preparations for VBS which starts July 10th. I would love your prayer that the Lord would help and sustain me as I re-acclimate to our time zone, daily work, and added responsibilities as well as begin to process and share what I learned in Uganda.